Signs of Bad Air Quality and How to Fix It

You and your family  breathe the air inside of your home every single day. That means you want it to be the cleanest air possible. If you think your air could use some home air purification, learn about symptoms of poor air quality and what you can do to keep your air clean. 


There are a large number of contaminants that can get in your home. This is why air purification is important for almost everybody, no matter how clean you are. Examples of common contaminants include:

  • Ozone
  • Fungi
  • Mold
  • Bacteria
  • Dust
  • Fiberglass
  • Carbon Dioxide
  • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

Signs of a Problem

How do you know if your home needs air purification?  People with allergies will know almost immediately. Irritants in the air will cause their allergies to flair. You also need to take a look into what's going on in your home. Do you have a lot of pets? Is your home undergoing construction? Does anybody in the house smoke inside? All of these things will put toxins in the air. If you're not entirely sure, though, you can always purchase an air purification test kit to get a definite answer. 

Health Concerns

The first health concern people notice when they have poor air quality is an increase in allergy symptoms, coughing, and sneezing. You may also notice people in your home getting stuffed noses or feeling dizzy or nauseated. Breathing in the contaminants may also cause a shortness of breath and other signs of lung problems.Finally, you may notice dryness and irritation of the nose and throat. Always go to your doctor to see if there could be any other reason for your symptoms. 

When people start getting sick, it's time to look into solving the problem. 

Ways to Clean Your Air

To keep the air in your home as pure as possible on your own, you can do a number of different things. You can try these simple solutions:

  • open the windows
  • prohibit smoking indoors
  • vacuum often and use a vacuum with a high-efficientcy pollutant affects (HEPA) filter
  • change air filters in your HVAC system regularly
  • use fans in the kitchen, bath, laundry, and other areas that get a lot of moisture or need extra ventilation
  • keep strong chemicals outside of the home
  • buy an air purifier

Air Purifiers

An air purifier will significantly remove the amount of toxins in the air, depending on the air purifier you purchase. Air purifiers can cost anywhere from $50 - $1000. Most portable models will only weigh 10 - 20 lbs. They will typically cost about $150 - $200 a year to run and maintain. Most models require you to change the filter after a certain amount of use, but you can look for options with no filter or reusable filters. For more information or to check out air purifiers, check out smell fresh Arizona.
